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Gatwick Games Purchase

Gatwick Games Purchase

If you'd have told us that 2 years after launching our first game Top Waffle we'd be purchasing another game company, we would have called you crazy! Our plan was to continue to grow Lovemore Games by releasing games that are unique and simple, with fun mechanics that the everyone can enjoy... and it started doing pretty well! Not well enough to pay ourselves anything from it, but enough to allow us to continue making games.

Back up a little bit to 2020. I (Zac) left a banking job to work for Gatwick Games. COVID interestingly enough had a very positive effect on the tabletop gaming industry as it left a lot of people quarantined in their homes. Trying to get creative with keeping their families occupied, game sales skyrocketed across the board. The then owner of Gatwick Games was growing and needed help, so he hired me.

I was able to learn and grow a lot of skills while working for Gatwick Games and even published my very first game I ever made through them, called Nonsensical Creatures. Gatwick Games was able to publish around 20 titles throughout the last 10 years, most of them doing pretty well and bringing a lot of fun and joy to families around the world! As the owner started looking to sell the company, nothing seemed to work out, until him and I started to talk.

It's a scary thing, buying another business. But the way we see it here at Lovemore is that an opportunity like this will help grow Lovemore Games faster, allowing us to continue to bring the best and most unique games to your table! We know that transitions are rough sometimes, but we hope we can maintain the amazing culture and community that both Gatwick Games and Lovemore Games have built and bring them together in a beautiful way.

We are starting now to work on refreshing Gatwick Games' titles with a new Lovemore look, to fit our style aesthetically and hopefully bring these games even more attention, as they really are great games. Rulebooks will be reworked, boxes will be resized, and components will be optimized. We hope you stay tuned to see the process!

As we step in to this new chapter of Lovemore Games, we hope you'll follow along our journey and support us where you can. We know that this opportunity will only increase our ability to bring better and better games to you, and we hope you'll see that with the new and improved Gatwick Games' titles as well as the new ones we have in the works.

Thanks, we love you all, and can't wait to share more as we go!

-Zac & Emily Loveless